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I recommend taking social media fasts. The internet is being vastly weaponized against us on down to warring on our sense-making abilities. It's a distorting lense. When Qanon is the fastest growing religion, we've got a great counter-insurgency strategy to grapple with.

Go outside. Play, move, and breathe. Do whatever you've got to do to stay on top of the mental and physical and finding inner peace, inner calm in a world of constant pollution (why let corporations own our sleep with blue light interference?). Not much has changed outside. Our social nature's are being hijacked by fragmenting segregation. Sometimes I shut the human world out and meditate gratefully to the rhythms of birdsong around me. We planted a lot of flowers this year, and appreciating the tiny things like a new bloom has been great for keeping my mind owned by algorithm-induced patterns of thinking. Life is diverse, and bursting through the cracks. Change is inevitable.

That said, culture has been shifting but economics have not. Expect more deranged people to be herded into indentitarian dead ends (for they stink of the fantasies of dead aesthetics and mass graves as their only offering). Expect also that people of the right and the left will just simply wish the protesters and counter protesters would just go away for the election. We anarchists need to be careful, and stop being the pawns of political movers and shakers.

Nothing's coming down the pike for anyone, whether they lick boots or not. Financilization has impoverished daily life. To make sure that everything changes to stay exactly the same will bring forth a techno-feudalism. The language of financilization is risk management and avoidance. Innovation means taking risks. So, capitalism will likely stagnate. But, in order to manage an increasingly complex and fragmented society those in power will retreat to whatever cheap and easy (just like the junk and sludge they try to sell us as "food") management mechanisms are on offer: we are the AI being created and shaped into behaviorally being more predictable.

The base has been plundered, and largely offshored into Panamanian bank accounts. Who is going to pay for infrastructure, for the tax breaks, for the pandemic related stimulus and bailouts? Last I checked, 1/4 of millennial men have never left mom and dad's, 2/3 will never own a home, and their average pay is $20k. And then for these corporations to speak of automation!? How are any of us to pay for this system? Even if we fought back like in the stories of how how we had in the past: it was deemed acceptable that 200,000 people die off to keep the economy going. (Would it have to take more than that for BLM to get what it wants?). And yet, I don't want to forget the power we do have.

Folks like Sir E and I have joked for years that to grind the system to a hault we should all stay in bed instead of starting a revolution. And how quickly the system ground to a hault when we did stop working. For how disposable we're made to feel, and how replaceable by AI...we still have power.

I do wonder if billionaires will cut and run, or how authoritarianism will be installed by constant background ambience of pandemic/climactic events/mass migration of folks in search of work, etc... Will camps be used to kill off the poor? Or are mediated fear, doubt, hopelessness better salves for reducing population in the continuation of what the system has on offer: exclusion, displacement?

The West is at a fundamental spiritual dead-end with its relationship with the earth.

Expect giant mining projects even when indigenous have won land back on paper.

But...we can quietly take land left unused by capital's waste. There's a lot of excitement and coming together over regenerative agriculture right now. Sure, vegans/prims/reds/strugglismo might not like this, but here's a tool to shore up our own infrastructure and start no longer paying for food here and now.