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"Proudhon was a racist misogynist piece of shit." Oh, so you've just gotten back from a black lives matter rally, which is admirable, however, you've probably been cornered by a pesky liberal sjw who's injected these vapid slanderous rumors about Proudhon, when a well read historian knows that Proudhon had made negative comments about the conduct of a cluster of Jewish capitalists in a certain European city who had purchased a bank and were loaning money to poor peasants wìth cumulative high interest rates, and HE'S the unethical piece of shit?
As for the accusation of misogany, in the 19th century, 105% of men were misogynistic by modern feminist standards, yet because during that era there was a dominant chivalrous ethic such as standing up for women and giving them your seat, or opening doors for them etc, and that wasn't patriarchy, that was just being nice and not seeking ulterior conquests as a trick to sexual intercourse. Also, less women were beaten by men in the 19th C, and wars were conducted out on a field and didn't include bombing cities and killing innocents.
So your comment is very shitty on the whole.