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THeSe DAMn POST-leFtIsts MoCK mE BecAUsE I'M reD aND borInG. NOw ThAT i wrote A bOOk ON wILDE thAt'Ll TeAcH EM nOT tO MOCK ME. sEE WIldE Was A socIAList, anD SOcIalISTS arE RED, theREfOrE, thESe pOST-lefTiSt ArE GONNa LOok SO siLly WHEN They Find OuT THat they'rE ThE reaL pURITans!

neItHeR woRkIng cLASs SINdycaLisTS Nor MIdDLe ClasS LIfesTYLiStS Make tHe CuT, only aRistOCraTIc soCiaListS KnOw How To FuCK!