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"I see ants much more as pollinators and soil tenders and prey and decomposers within thriving wild than parasites. Maybe civilized people living civilized lives in civilized homes see them that way, but since I was 2 I've observed them, and I never saw that in them."

Yes, yet also from the pov of law-abiding, hard workers, the people who decide to shoplift or dumpster dive and live off the dole and other easy money are perceived as parasites. I'm also perceived as something alike by proud, "tax-paying, law-abiding" car drivers who'll keep whining at bikers like me for just riding on the road (coz I don't pay for a stupid license plate). Doesn't mean that, in fact, themselves are parasites as well, or taking part in a mass-parasiting scheme (the oil/energy industry) where they are the foolish, servile slaves of some world-class parasite billionaires. Like I said before, it's just how you assume yourself as parasite, and also maybe look for ways to make a contribution to the non-humans that are, indeed, being fucking oppressed and destroyed.

This society does not value or even recognizes the existence of life. It is anti-vitalist, it is materialist, but falsely so. Living beings are reduced to be territorialized things, with imposed identities. This is a psychopathic worldview in itself.

There's a gap between "lauding" the practice of hunting (which I'm not doing), and just stopping to see it as the roots of all evil, which is a misguided or at least a pretty superficial and wrong-headed analysis. I accept it would be necessary in some contexts where there are no alternatives to survival. Of course, most of those who hunt today are doing it more as a sport, a macho brutish social club, but also as a way to have the finest quality of meat for a few weeks/months without having to pay Costco for the worst, toxic crap filled with hormones and that also supports the even more awful meat industry.

If I'd be living in survival mode in the forest, as I said there are very few things to forage in the winter that's nutritious enough to make me survive. Some bays... but forests are not vast monocultures of bays; their availability is limited. Hence why native peoples of northern Turtle Island were relying on hunting and fishing during their winter days in the more comfy forest/mountainous environment, in addition to some dried fruits, nuts and greens.

You're calling them "primates"? A primate's a monkey. Precolombian natives were well-developed humans with similarities to Chinese and Mongol people. Was that intentional wording?

"You said anti-hunting critique is 'outdated'? From an anprim lens, or other lens, I don't get it. "

Any? How is hunting such a widely-spread practice as to be a primary subject of social critique, today? Look around you. Most people live in urban/suburban areas... how many among these go hunting during the weekend or holidays? Not saying there aren't, but it doesn't seem like any more than a niche subcultural activity among a limited number of White people living in the countryside. Some native people still do hunt, some even have hunting exclusive rights in some unpopulated areas of Canada, but that was their ages-old way of survival... are u saying they should go instead to the supermarket to get vegan food?

Beyond that, anprims do this, anprims do that... dunno where's the truth behind these claims. I'm pretty sure that the tiny few anprims I've known were were hardcore vegans. I don't get why, suddenly, anprims should be about paleodiet meat-eating. There's a bunch of assumptions and generalizations that you could spare.

...and again, please, consider abandoning that demented notion that "hunting" is the basis of our civilization's oppression. You thank me for this in a few years, I swear! This is 2019... the vast majority of humans on the planet have been "civilized" out of the practice of hunting, in favor of interdependence on the industrial society. Keep going after "hunting" if you like... but I feel that's chasing a ghost.

"How can the current model be stopped or slowed with no change in our current parasitic ethos?"

The ethos appears to change way better when confronted with contradictory realities. The current model can be stopped or slowed by means of deteriorating its spectacle (representations) of progress, or growth, and anything else that supports it. I stopped on my own a few development projects, just by vandalizing ad panels. Those were threatening very fragile humid ecosystems with a huge diversity of wild plants, insects and animals, starting with some endangered reptiles. When yuppies see panels with shit-colored enamel paint over it, or a graf that tells them to "fuck off" upfront, they're very likely to go look elsewhere, or go back to the city. That also eventually made the speculators and authorities freak out in the area where I've been doing that, as by good grace, other people I didn't know picked up on these tactics. Sometimes any appearance of controversial business or filth/stench can quickly push people out of their induced pipedreams.

But for sure there are many other means that exist, and they deserved to be explored, experimented and maybe spread.