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Overall this is an insightful and cogent piece, especially when coming from Black Rose Anarchist Federation, whose pronouncements usually take far too many words to say too little.


" The current BLM movement marks a continuation of this trend, with the potential to further radicalize and empower other oppressed peoples in the United States. We believe this is especially true as the country faces as series of related but distinct crises from its collapsing empire – on immigration, gender and patriarchy, medical care and health, jobs and unemployment, the pandemic, policing, poverty, drug addiction, homelessness, housing, climate, higher education, public schooling, mass shootings, institutional corruption, loss of legitimacy, militarism and foreign wars — the list goes on."

There is exactly one path forward in liberatory terms -- an aggressive, class against class, consciously anti-wage-labor mass movement of the wage-earning class, including enlisted people in the Armed Forces, exclusively using collective direct action methods, with an openly stated goal of replacing this historically bankrupt social order with a society worthy of the human beings who live in in -- a free, egalitarian, ecological sane, post-market society, where we will immediately abolish wage labor and all forms of unnecessary toil. The current unrest has been channeled into a cul-de-sac that conceptualizes our underlying problems in skin color terms. This effectively unites vast numbers of decent people with conventional bourgeois political grifters.

The demands expressed in the rebellion -- abolition of the cops and prisons, the need to fight against white racism and against white racists, hatred of the comically egregious Donald Trump -- are wholly righteous, and, in a very typically United States of America way they are also completely severed from the underlying historical context that generates the problems.

'Black Lives Matter' is a brilliant phrase. It is transparently true -- no one other than the most primordial racist scum can deny this. It also defines the larger social problem on terms that the reigning social order itself could presumably resolve on the reigning social order's terms and channels energetic discontent away from the class against class action that offers the only potential permanent resolution of the problem.

Anti-black racism is something like a beta strand in the DNA of the United States. As many people can see the only way to cure this is to abolish the United States -- but this can't be done without toppling and abolishing capitalist social relations in a mass, conscious social movement linked to similar mass proletarian movements everywhere else in the world. A revolutionary movement that jumps off from the most degraded industrialized society on earth, a nightmare society that is central to the rest of the world's accelerating burdens could be much more effective at abolishing capitalism on a global scale than a revolutionary movement in a backwater like Russia was one hundred years ago.

Street protests and demos add up to a big fat nothing. They have no material impact beyond on rare occasions getting the managers of this social order to be slightly more responsive to our needs -- they don't contribute to the rise of a new independent everyday politics of the wage-earning class against the underlying system of exploitation and against our exploiters and rulers. The place where we should be burning calories is exclusively on the terrain of the mundane -- where we work, where we shop, where we live and how we get around. When a widespread movement of resistance emerges among mainstream wage-earners there will be big protest marches in the street but they will be emerging from an underlying webwork of subversive collective direct action and new forms of horizontal communication that haven't yet begun to emerge in the United States.