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This was written in 2012 and look at the three sad paragraphs it dedicates to what anarchists have to say on the matter, exactly what is to be expected since it’s communists who write this. Anyone can look through the anarchist library and find numerous texts, and each alone would say more.

This text runs with the assumption the patriarchy is more or less monolithic across the globe, since capitalism is global and as communists they must fall back on economic determinism, yet patriarchy, as well as gender and race, has many different ways of being conceived, perceived, enforced, negotiated across cultures, even if a version of western modernity is hegemonic.

They acknowledge that the nuclear family as a single mother household has proliferated, yet do not acknowledge women’s active role in enforcing patriarchy. They take for granted that since all women have benefited and would benefit from the progress of the feminist cause, that most women are on their side. The current order still stands because of the complicity of the majority, that goes for patriarchy as well as capitalism. Most women enthusiastically take the reins of their household to make of their offspring real women and men of good standing in this society.

Women (which is never such a clear-cut identity through time and cultures) have never been innocent unwitting hapless helpless victims of patriarchy, same goes for workers and capitalism, as well as there has never been noble savages.

A consistent anarchy cuts the problem of domination at the root by refusing to rule over anyone, even children. Such is not a utopia wished upon the world but something you can try to do yourself if you wish, but never guarantee that others will follow and return the favor. Communists with their good intentions always pave their way to hell, since to enforce a uniform liberation from capitalism the propose newly revised versions of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and each oppression they tackle with the same solution of enforcement of criteria on others. A reinforcement of voluntary servitude, to an idea, to a purpose, a mission, a goal, progress, the same reproductive futurity they supposedly critique and attempt to dismantle, rebranded.

Anarchists, if consistent and realistic, propose no solutions, no futures, no utopias, only aspire to live by the principles of no ruling and no obedience. Anarchy is not a solution, it’s the chaos of everything, including conflict and cooperation. Anarchists take a clear stand against power in conflicts, while others like communists see all conflict as a struggle for power, politics.