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It would take me too many words to make you understand the meaning behind each instance of the word “violence” and “non-violent” in this article.
I think you’re smart enough to do a ctrl find in this article and read each part and arrive at your own conclusions, which will of course, be partisan.
You may find what I point to distasteful, unkind, impolite, improper, rude, offensive, overly hostile and sectarian, but it’s not unfounded.

With this article they seek to make a rebuttal of certain implicit accusations that are not expressed more clearly, as with bullet points and blunt statements, as much due to weaseling intention as bad writing. But the accusations are as follows: They’re mainly accused of being violent, racist and masterminds behind protests, and of course above all they’re accused of being anarchists, as there are few crimes worse than that.

CrimethInc does their very best to disprove all of these accusations, in the same roundabout manner as the original article since it has to cover a lot of ground to clean all the smears, distortions and lies.