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anarchists are people just like any other, people are alike all over, living through the same crap, doing the same shit, except for the cosmetic differences. we're all apes doing ape shit, except we're this kind of ape, not the other kinds of apes.

"Maybe I should relish my leisure time?" sure yolo why not

"Do you allow the facile pastimes in to your life, fully, with conditions, or simply not at all?" sure yolo why not

"If not, what do you do with your downtime on any old day?"
do nothing or anything until something else looks more pleasing in comparison and then i do that instead

"Is "A conscious, playful, exploratory creation of our own motions through space" possible from my couch?"
no, get rid of your couch, trade it for something more fun, anything really

"What does a mundane day in the life of an anarchist look like in 2020? Be specific!"

well, i don't think anarchists exist, or that that word means anything, but let's assume they do and that i've been one for a couple of years. how many? enough to make it interesting. it turns out i've lived long enough as an anarchist to have had different routines and life circumstances so that one year to the next, or even half of one year to the next, look differently. how could that inform my perspective and help me address this topic? i don't know. routines seem to emerge out of functional adaptation to circumstances, be it a job, vital necessities or assortment of predictable whims (some call them hobbies, interests, pastimes etc). repetition makes the routine.

if you get tired of the routine, then change is what you need. what is it that you're tired of? every single aspect of your routine, or just some bits?

i've found that the trickiest thing is that i can change routines, but i can't seem to change "who i am". obviously "what i do" forms a part of who i am, and that part changes every so often, but how i do it, remains fairly constant, there is a certain constant "me-ness to how i do anything. this is unavoidable to an extent since it's me doing the thing. through conscious and deliberate concentrated exploration of how i do things and how i change the way i do things, called "practice", i can change the "how" as well as the "what" i do every day and that process of learning goes on as i age.

but even then, there are infinite meta levels of "me-ness", that are path-dependent, we can't retroactively change our past, our context, and we are not so mighty as to micro-manage and re-design ourselves and our life-styles to fit an ideal, unless your ideal mirrors reality pretty closely. so knowing and accepting yourself and working from there, instead of concocting ideal selves you can't achieve.

but to be direct and not dodge the last request of being specific, my most recent period and routine is that common to many unemployed people during quarantine, consisting of whatever can be done in and around the house. there is nothing stopping me or you from going outside of my neighborhood and doing whatever. in fact, back when i had a job, when i had free time i did the same kind of shut-in crap. and to be honest, i don't mind it, i was quite deliberate in choosing these activities, i have my reasons. i've tried other things and liked them less or liked them and then did them to death and got tired of them.

it can be hard to think of "what to do next" when thinking of a change of pace, specially when dealing with and atrophied imagination, when you think you've already tried it all. comfort is stronger in persuading you to keep on doing the same than whatever story you can make in your mind, so you have to use some kind of metaphysics or plot device or cut-scene to get you from here to there, or just stay in the present moment forever. comfort is also safety, the coolest thrills are also risky, and require great skills and practice to mitigate the risks. you could always just go and look other people do cool shit irl instead of url.