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"Death means that they will never again surprise us, or exceed our understanding of them. Or, that's the worst case scenario. Talking to other people about someone who is dead can still surprise us, i guess."

Talking to people
about someone who is dead
can still surprise us
if they have seen them around.

Would an encounter
exceed your understanding
if Death surprised you?

"Rest in power pisses me off because it seems to be insisting that people must remain in these bullshit struggles even after they're dead. To me the "power" contradicts and overwhelms the "rest" in the phrase."

Dead power struggles
will rot in putrefaction
piss on resting place.

People will remain
even after they are dead
in our memory.

"Finally, but related to the above, do you want to be around after death?"

If death forbids me
of an eternal slumber
I will have revenge.

I will haunt the world
a plague to all the living
roam the night howling.