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so, of controlled fire was the thing that's the root of all evil, and not fire itself, but the way it was controlled and used, then it's the controlled part that's problematic. we must go further back until primates did not have the capacity to control or manipulate objects and to learn and teach each other things.

if the knowledge and practice of how to make and control fire, and the rest of civilization and culture, is forgotten, someone could learn it again, and teach someone else, and this knowledge and practices could spread like wildfire, but it's controlled fire instead.

and this is addressed in some of the discussions in both articles and their comment threads; that it's wrong to assume that bigger smarter brains means better, if it implies civilization, and that our current diet is better, if the justification is supporting the brains that lets us control fire and reproduce civilization.

so in addition to restorative ecology and raw vegan diets, we must erode our capacity to learn and teach complex things. to erode and forget complex words, to reduce our vocabulary and our means of expression. to relinquish control in all spheres except our immediate harmonious subsistence, but without reproduction, because we're too many already, and we're looking to reduce and revert, to heal the harm done.