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nice ad hominem. every one of us is working some scam -- unless you're just a cog in the machine, some loyal citizen who pays all his taxes, never crosses a street against the light, and always defers to authority. you're just mad that Wolfi's scam has long-term stability.

the fact is that almost all self-described mutual aid/solidarity projects are charity; the aid and solidarity goes in one direction, maintaining the relation of resource moving from the dominant to subordinate. the mutual in mutual aid doesn't have to be present at the same time as the aid is being offered, but without the possibility/potential for some future aid moving from the initially subordinate person/project to some other person/project, it's not mutual at all. same thing with solidarity; if there's no possibility of support moving in different directions, then it's not really solidarity. Wolfi is not the only one who's pointed this out. the Wobblies wrote a few critiques of the Starvation Army back in the day.