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“Does anyone really consider themselves a blue anarchist (beyond a small clique of friends who own boats)? “

i don’t know, never heard of that one before. i thought blue was for transhumanists.

“Does hyphenation clarify as much as obfuscate the simplest of ideas (the idea of no to a sick society)?”

it’s not that simple to begin with, but there are sure those who can manage to over-complicate it to an absurd level.
but even without hyphens and adjectives, people would still have different definitions and ideas of what “anarchy”, “anarchism”, and “anarchists” are or should be.

hyphenation can indicate preferences, and imply irreconciliable differences.

“But seriously, to what end endless hyphenation?”

a rallying cry for cliques, a keyword to search for texts and events online? to collect all hyphens like patches on a vest?

to indicate that by @ you mean thisand not that, cuz that would be silly

“Does it save one time in getting to know one another?”

it might impede you from getting to know people, but it will “save you time” by doing that. if there are people ypu want to avoid, or flock to, it could help.

a lot will be uncomfortable with the hyphens available and make more. others will not have found the self-tagging appealing, so never bothered to adopt any. they may opt to hanging with whichever, or with neither, depending on their tolerance level and agreeableness.

“Is it just for the lulz?”


“What possible satisfaction or utility do you get out of describing yourself as anything more than just anarchist?”

everyone is much more than “just anarchist”, and most are not much anarchist at all