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These respective positions could be named "insurrectional", the pop tiqqunist-I.C./commune-ist position which i'll name "occupational" finding the word's various meanings to appropriate to describe their activities, and "nihilist".
(Other lists from other positions may be found, i've seen them around, but i'll focus on these first.)

The insurrectional goal is to create and spread "insurrection".

The occupational goal is to create and spread "communes"; by occupying land, buildings, infrastructure, etc. and by occupying themselves with different activities and tasks that make possible the subsistence of the commune.

The nihilist's "goals are not strategic in orientation" they're "a balancing act between living and despising life (as life is circumscribed by unacceptable conditions and defined by a lack of social power). [...This] art has five factors: amorality, timing, the ground, agency, and method and discipline." Each of these are then defined in "Art of Nothing".

How are "insurrection" and "communes" defined?
What are the assumptions in each of the three positions?
What are the best-case scenarios and worst-case scenarios (and anything in between, in order of likelihood) for each position?
How would these three positions, as projects interact in the real world, if at all?
How are they compatible or mutually exclusive to each other?