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anon (not verified)
Yes, I learned to see ratios

Yes, I learned to see ratios of waste(?) in regards to the overpolulation debate. A first-world person consumes so much more of the economy than someone ... okay, um, I was taught that the fossil fuel consumption of a first worlder was drastically higher than that of ...uh, white people so it was pretty much just racist Malthusian fear-mongering WHiTe GeNOcIDe creey fears. This was the same time period that Eugenics was though of in the New World, practiced on the indigenous population, and applied industrially in Europe during WWII. This lesson was in 2005, so it's been a minute - so to speak.

What was that about rural areas? I heard that bachelor men were voicing complaints in Africa? Unmaried and disposessed(?)

Well, even lions have bachelor pads. The juveniles ...

Sorry, I don't want anyone to get hurt. What is going on that is at issue, @critic?

PS: are the climate refugees from the Oceanic archipelagos still being "helped" by Australia? Is that a thing? It was talked about on a podcast.

Thank you!

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