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"An affinity group that is isolated from the groups around it would be a lone cell. It may do good work in its own right and may replicate itself over time but alone and divided from the rest of the cells it is weak. I have no doubt that numerous affinity projects were started in every county in every state but faded quickly because they developed in hostile environments, isolated from other affinity groups."

An affinity group is not a lego building block or a voltron leg. By design, it's meant to be isolated and to disband immediately once the specific task it intended was carried out. The members are meant to take the secret to their graves, no one needs to know. There's no mission creep, it's not a gang, a club, an organization, nor an institution.

"Anarchists and abolitionists of the so-called United States must organize ourselves in a national federation of anarchists to better combat the rise of fascism and to better organize ourselves in the international anarchist struggle."

Why should an anarchist federation be comprised of abolitionists? Can't they make their own federation? Why should an anarchist federation's main goal be to act as an anti-fascist front? Why do these anarchists want to take up the tasks of all other fringe leftist groups, leaving the task of anarchy to whom? Anarchist Federation adopts all causes across all of society in a wide umbrella front, leaving anarchy orphan.