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That's because the technology forum is easy to form management and unique discourse space. On the surface, the Internet is decentralized in power, but as criticized by post structuralism, it repeats the principle of centralized power in microstructure. Every scattered space has a different style, and it's easy for people to find one that suits them. You're just talking about one of these situations. It's a private forum determined by technical form and professional discourse. However, in order to maintain a kind of publicity, it has to determine the legitimacy of the issue through the discourse of technocrats. The so-called publicity is a rule that everyone must abide by according to the needs of governance. For example, the source of alienation comes from the property transfer of ancient Roman law, which must be guaranteed by a number of witnesses, so this is publicity - it needs to ensure the presence of the law.

The Internet relies heavily on a tree structure, even though it may be decentralized and seemingly equal. Power works in a micro way. Language, programming, relationship, culture and information flow, control is everywhere.

But I'm talking about open classes or something. They are also professional and public knowledge, poor and obsolete, but they need to use this knowledge to ensure political stability. Nowadays, few philosophers like Foucault or Deleuze teach in public, and the lack of struggle reduces the activity of thinking. New ideas are often controlled by institutions. The space for "private thinkers" is getting smaller and smaller.

Socialism tends to ensure a kind of publicity so that it is not eroded by private capital. In this way, it has been generated and the interests of the masses are guaranteed, but it is based on the central power. In the age of the Internet, it disguises itself as the absence of power. However, all governance is going on in an orderly way.

In this kind of publicity, communication is never effective. Because the soul of the majority becomes the norm of users' thoughts and activities. It is always an empty interaction, or a comment on a hot topic.

Real communication can only be carried out at the level of individual soul, rather than pretending to replace publicity with a kind of commonality. It is such a struggle and the practice of ideas that provide the basis for communication. I think if we solve this problem, we will have a new understanding of the Internet.