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"And so, the problem can be solved by simply sticking to science and then beating down the bleeding heart interest groups."

Fuck yeah. Interest groups represent irrational drives (money, power, mainly) and this is one of the reasons why I disagree with the whole opposition to rationality. Irrational drives are demonstrating a poor aesthetic and intellectual culture in a moral order where the humans are reduced to being a bunch of brutish fat parasites (which could be called "bolsonaros") only into gangster schemes and other herd politics. One could say this tendency is a type of postmodern nihilism, but I rather see religious fanaticism in here. New-old brutalism.

Yet they are also part of the "scientific community", as the scientific community is not "science". It is just another aspect of the power establishment.

The RIGB, RAS, NASA and MIT are part of the State. They play an active role in the development of social control technologies as well as provide the public with very questionable narratives that favor a specific elitist view of the universe. Such is the NASA with their continuous problematic pretenses of knowing the internal constitution of a planet at several light years away, or completely dodging the geomagnetic factor from their climate change model. MIT also got their hands dirty with the development of tech (especially in the fields of robotics and AI- with extremely dangerous potential for the future. All of this ain't driven by a "quest for knowledge", but a quest for gains... nice careers... peer recognition and all that toxic crap inherently related to neolib capitalism.