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look more closely into jeremy hammond and what got him imprisoned. Funny to learn he was the principal infiltrator of Stratfor. I've read a lot about this hack but i never connected his name to it...

so, I think what he has done is admirable, and i have no reason to dislike the guy, and i'm glad he's out of prison. However...

"Jeremy makes a lot of us look like the lazy sacks of hot air we are!"

isn't this just revealing that you are perhaps more like some typical petty boss who runs a gas station, convenient store, sweat shop, etc. than jeremy hammond or anyone who takes the beautiful idea seriously?? I mean, dammit...what the fuck is with all this self-degrading cult-of-personality worship on @news?!

Does me connecting his name to heroic deeds have any bearing on Jeremy Hammond?? I'm probably never gonna meet this guy, lol.