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"that makes it an insurrection, and a teachers occupation not?"

Not. That teacher's occupation of the main lobby of the Capitol wasn't an insurrection in any way. It was just a way to put direct pressure on the crooked Senate to nullify their bill.

"aren't you for people fighting the state? "
"aren't you not against insurrection?"

Listen, you dumb brutish ignorant fuck... Anarchists are a disparate bunch of different people with different views and values, but none of them can call themselves as such when they're supporting a neonazi cult seeking to keep their leader into power, regardless of their means. Was the Chilean coup of 1973 also anti-State just coz it was an attack on the elect regime? Or the Military Junta in Greece?

No. That's because the simple act of insurrection or overthrow doesn't mean being "anti-state", you stupid. Like in the French or American or Bolchevik Revolutions, that was a gang of people overthrowing a regime to put their own regime in place.

It shouldn't take a PhD or Einstein's brain to realize this... so why is it so fucking hard for you to get it?