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A hundred of different anarchists that anyway they can not stand each other and they hate for sure all the "others" organize talks in spaces standing kilometers distant to each other as to do not need to explain themselves or speak with anyone else except themselves and their close friends. This has something to say to all of us- the anarchists. Our main problem is that: we don't know how to deal with our own disagreements. When we face this problem we find it very easy to split or better call it,.. to "decentralize" (cause otherwise we will kill each other like any "Stalinist", "Maoist", "dogmatic", "totalitarian", fundamentalist -call it as you like it- bunch of groups or sects). It is tragic to name this situation "anarchist"- "festival"- cause this is not a Festival. Festivals are where all kinds of different people meet each other, festivals are open to people from many different backgrounds and opinions, people become equals in festivals and people abandon their stagnated minds at the front door of festivals giving themselves (at least for some hours) the opportunity to change into something new and unexpected. This is not a festival, this is just a simple way for hiding our problems of organizing and our inability to co-exist in mutually beneficial debates, this is a tragedy. I wish good luck to the organizers, the program seems very interesting. Is just that it makes me feel sad. LONG LIVE LONDON ANARCHIST BOOK FAIR.