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Isn't anarchism anti-state and this caricature is also a Democratic Party politician?
Maybe you feel the label afro-pessimism as a label to have enough intellectual gravitas and philosophical profundity so as to not be taken up by someone in a shallow way as just another academic fad which fails to challenge the status quo.
Maybe it's an edgy pessimism, that prides itself as realism, which leads to imagining futures that are not much different from the present, like in solar-punk and afro-futurist visions.
Maybe it's a pessimistic outlook of no utopia to be built which leads this caricature to participating in mainstream politics.
Maybe the whole point of this absurd caricature is to point to the contradictions people may hold and represent, and I added afro-futurism and afro-pessimism (I should have added abolitionist, as another trending term among hip liberals) hoping to irritate someone who holds such labels dear to them, as I similarly am fond of anarchism, and it's often profaned by those who would like it to represent only that which contradicts any sense of it, but not knowing I would end up having to snidely spoon-feed the joke to someone.