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"What does it look like when you don't get the message that the kids don't want you around any more?"

I get dat feeeling, A!... Damn zoomers behaving just like the boomers, being like the word started and will end with them. That may happen at every generation yet being a Gen-Xer we know what it's like to be in a position of meaningless inferiority. Until someone somewhere does something the kiddos don't understand, because that wasn't part of the clean & lean narrative inherited from their tight social programming, lacking any individual critical thinking, and alien to anything original whatsoever... just surfing the wave of their own social conveyor belts.

Yes, the conveyor belts. You and I used to ride on these before we fell. But if you don't attack the cogs and wheels, they'll just keep going, you'll be disappeared and maybe also even forgotten under the massive waves of the Leviathan.