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Paul Z. Simons and El Errante on Immediatism Podcast

Paul Z. Simons and El Errante on Immediatism Podcast

These ten episodes are recordings of texts by Paul Z. Simons and El Errante, from a variety of sources including the book "A Full and Fighting Heart: Memories of and Writings by Paul Z. Simons," Modern Slavery, and No Quarter Nine. The first part of John Brown's body (episode 611) sets up both the context of the insurrection and John Brown's earlier history. The second of two episodes (612) tells the story of the famous insurrection at Harper's Ferry. Stolen Comrades (episode 613) is the history of the arrests and disappearance of five individuals (including three anarchists) in Paraguay in 1977. It was reconstructed from the files of the Archives of Terror, with the assistance of Anna Recalde Miranda and Rosa Palau, and published recently in the zine No Quarter Nine, which is only available by mail [you may contact Cory@Immediatism for how to request a copy].

John Brown's Body 1, by Paul Z. Simons
John Brown's Body 2
Stolen Comrades, by El Errante

Previously Recorded, all by Paul Z. Simons:
The Organization's New Clothes
Pure Black: An Emerging Consensus
Illegalism: Why Pay for a Revolution on the Installment Plan. . . When You Can Steal One?
Illegalism 2
Illegalism 3
Illegalism 4
Illegalism 5

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