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Cultural Appropriation on Immediatism Podcast

Two texts which challenge the notion of cultural appropriation are now available on Immediatism podcast. The first, on "The Hoop" is a set of scholarly observations and light critique of people who nomadically travel a route in the northwest states, wildtending to produce food. Wildtending is described and the ethics around it explained. Critiques include that wildtending as practiced by these white nomads is an appropriated set of indigenous practices and also that, since it is frequently practiced on public (federal) lands, it continues the settler tradition of benefiting from occupied lands previously inhabited by indigenous people. The trick of the piece, in Cory's view, is that it challenges the idea of appropriation since a reader may react sympathetically to the piece regardless the valid criticisms of the practice. Cognitive dissonance ensues. The second piece, by Rhyd Wildermuth, directly challenges the idea of cultural appropriation as part of a centuries-long conservative tendency to segregate and demarcate cultural practices, to enclose multiplicity and the unpredictable, and to eliminate the sacred. The piece examines this tendency, contrasting it with what Rhyd calls the resurgent left sacred -- a wild and unpredictable tendency toward ecstatic spirituality and a multiplicity of gods and practices, not limited strictly to any group of people.

"The Hoop" and Settler Apocalypse part 1, by Bruno Seraphin
Part 2
Part 3

A Plague of Gods: Cultural Appropriation and the Resurgent Left Sacred part 1, by Rhyd Wildermuth
Part 2

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