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TOTW: Seasons of Anarchy

I used to assume that there were only four seasons, maybe five if you include harvest, but I now recognize that there are hundreds - Revolution of Fungal Life

With the always on, always working, always lit up landscape of the city, capital and the forces of 24/7 life attempt to destroy any concept of seasonality urban dwellers might still cling to. Yet each year there are still shifts in temperature, apparel, the swapping out of your covid mask for your super-fire mask, etc. Certain classes of jobs change, and certain classes of people migrate in and out. Even in the world of Leviathan, material shifts occur with the shift in seasons, and this is the way that people come to find connection with a place. With its rhythms, its shades, its subtleties, the ways it can perhaps become known.

This is likely true of the urban anarchies as well. Summers are for riots and heat waves. Certain months are for hurricanes and autonomous disaster relief. Certain months used to be for bookfairs (though I guess this is kind of returning now). There are long winter nights when the extended dark is more conducive to mischief. These are some of the ways I imagine that the confluence of seasonality and anarchy might come to define an anarchists experience of place. I’m interested in what others have experienced. How do you see seasonal shifts happen in your anarchies, your city, your milieu? Is there an anarchy off-season? If so, why?