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By identifying as anarchist, you are drawing yourself with a people, their culture and their history. In the realm of anarchy of course there are many different visions and positions.

To claim that you reject culture is preposterously idealistic. You are made of culture... what makes you come on this site and write in a specific language with more or less specific vocabulary IS culture.

And where would your anarchy be without its own history? This means no Novatore, no Stirner, to Bonnot Gang, no Spanish Civil War, no Luddites, no Voltairine, no Emma, no autonomous communes, no squat parties, no Bomberman, no Free Mercedes, no George Barrett, etc. Ergo... just you facing the void.

Well no actually... more like just you, along with a bunch of authoritarian historical ghosts dancing around you.

The world, including your world, is made of narratives. There is no naked Truth, because you aren't going around naked in the first place.