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anon (not verified)
Eh, I'm too lazy to read this

Eh, I'm too lazy to read this. My rebuttal of what I glean to be Anarchist critiques of nonviolence would be that I think that a lot of Anarchists have sort of have a persecution complex concerning "pacification". The faux Pacifist Liberal campaign to disarm the Anarchist community by offering a nonviolent strategy is totally nonexistent. While concessions to the Liberal democratic project have been made by the Peace Movement, they are fairly limited. If anything, Empire incites violent revolt more than it pacifies it as the executors of violent acts can easily be demonized as terrorists. The regimen would prefer for there to be malefactors rather than have positive advocates of Anarchism. They seek, in some way or another, to debase every partiality associated within the Anarchist movement. This is a point of contention, but, I would argue that the usage of violence exceeds the conditions of survival in what can be referred to as the core. The execution of violent acts is always, therefore, demeaning. One should not respond to the "monopoly of violence" with an attempt to turn it in on itself. Such a racket is maintained by that it is capable of suppressing such attempts without losing face. Aside from the strategic critique I have to make of the usage of violence, I also think that it is unethical. I am of the opinion that the ends do not justify the means. The means become the ends.

That's admittedly a bit preachy. I'm trying to tone it down a bit. As much as my theory just doesn't neatly fit into a "diversity of tactics", I do try to respect other Anarchist positions. To each to their own autonomy.

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