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no one is “against that people communicate in order to come to decisions”.

democracy is a form of power and of politics. as a pacifist you are against war, which is merely the continuation politics/policies. when things have to be settled in an assembly, “dirty” tactics like buying opinions, oratory/rhetoric/demagogy, etc politics is the game. there are informal hierarchies that quickly become very formalized in forms of government. democracy has never been 100% inclusive, it’s not viable in many instances. it’s either rule of the majority (half plus1?), rule of the influential/influencers/persuasive/charismatic.

if current democracy is a plutocracy or a kakistocracy, why would a participatory democracy be any different?

but to be honest, i’m merely regurgitating these commonly circulated arguments to bring them to your attention, but i wouldn’t impede, i’d even encourage people to experiment with many forms of participatory democracy where it seemed promising