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Yes, again, something i actually understand on this forum from an anon. LBC's book "free from civilization" basically said the same thing, that with written word, words became more permanent...of course! I talk to my friends and they say "oh yeah they were just feeling that way at that time." The Bible, oh jeez! You know you're actually talking to God!

Idk from my thoughts before, LBC is pretty much unrequited love to me. I mean, i don't even remember what happen, of course it makes sense to avoid putting your words into easy labels, but so many goddamn words! Would rather be the one asking the questions about them, than getting them erased on @101.

(Still drunk) well yah dawg, i am a fucking dickhead, but i mean, where is it coming from? Just all this crazy information bashing into my skull like a fascist! Like occupy, whelp, my demand is, I KEEP SCREAMING AT THE MOTHERFUCKIN' WALL!

The last thing, the correlation between zachez and LeWay? I mean, idk, i always enjoy LeWay's comments cuz they are some New Sage from the motherfuckin ice age, real funny to read! I don't know much about zachez, a lot of people think he's a fucking idiot/douche around these parts, i mean, like LeWay, but WHY? I heard he was talking to himself hidden as his "girlfriend" on @planet.

C'yall tomorrow!