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Cute. You seem really humble and reasonable while confirming your foregone conclusions without the new info.
Here's a spoiler, which you deserve at this point.

Curtis argues that the house of Saud is primarily responsible for the spread of Wahhabism throughout the arab world, without which, there likely wouldn't be an ISIS as we know it today. Therefore, oil money and power would be the cause, not the effect.

That would put the chain of events many decades further back than what you're talking about. The entire colonial project around the house of Saud is an ideological watershed for the majority of bloodthirsty reactionary politics in the region, which drags the british in to this as much as the americans and basically the rest of NATO too, by the way. Easy enough to extrapolate all of this in to a typical military-industrial-complex-created-ISIS narrative, which is where I'd bet my money, if I had any, or cared.

Anyway, it's Curtis' theory, not mine but he's bleakly convincing as usual. Also, why you gotta throw shade at BBC broadcast quality? Sorry it's not a Michael Bay production ya fuckin douchebag.