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"But your keeping & killing of human-bred domesticated animals is problematic for the environment... "

i never said anything about keeping and killing human-bred domesticated animals. yet you insist on making such assumptions and inserting them into the discussion as if it was a primary point. do you see why i find it frustrating having this kind of discussion with ideologues?

i understand that in order to sustain ANY life, other life must die. i would prefer that living beings do not suffer, even when they die. (well, some humans i wouldn't mind a bit of suffering). but that is, pragmatically speaking, a pipe dream. i do what i can to avoid causing suffering to others, and that includes NOT supporting industrial agriculture as much as is possible in the context of my life. if you knew the context of my life, you might not jump so quickly to that kind of assumption.

your response to my straightforward question demonstrates rather clearly the problem i have with ideologues. i give you major props if you live according to your individual desires and principles. but your inability to see - and discuss - beyond your ideology makes you completely uninteresting to me, at least in this medium of communication.