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The problem I have with your way of looking at things is that it's a classic OS structured pattern of thought with an impractical redemption at hand. I see problems as postulates to adjust from. For me, I'm fine with a neo-archaic mode of living in that it encapsulates both anatomical and psycho modern human pychosomatic drives. As is this will likely never happen generally and will only be done here and there, but at least it doesn't curtail emergent and excessive human drives.

As someone who recalls some of Terrance Mckenna's teachings, there was something in the electromagnetic structure of this planet and the greater cosmos that conduited itself into the human body. Archaic excesses came out of all that. I think these things should be appropriated from an alienating facilitating past/future and enjoyed in the now.

I'm not in the business of blaming things that I was not even around to see manifest and not understand the full context. For me it's a matter of quantitative subtractions of problems that have built up over epochal layers of time.