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As you say we live/exist in/under capitalist/plutocracy, and so crowdfunding is one way of obtaining the stuff one wants to read/watch/hear/listen to etc, right? We also live in representative democracy (allegedly), and so voting is one way of obtaining stuff one wants to alleviate one's plight, wrong? It would appear that it is acceptable for anarchists to indulge in alienating relationships via dollars etc but is unacceptable where voting is concerned: that voting is antithetical to being a proper anarchist? This is not aimed at you Chisel, it is a point I feel worth making, especially as this site is also for the anarcho-curious. I would argue voting is up to the individual and ought not to be so ideological. Finally, thanks to Aragorn! and Ariel for their ruminations on Little Black cart publishing. Would you be willing to expand on this and chat about the reading group, 'compound' ( Iv'e heard it called, is it the Long Hall/Lang Haul?). Is there some kind of anarchist/community centre where activities etc take place, as I would be interested in how you all collaborate in making it happen and continue operating. I am currently re-reading 'Demanding the Impossible' by Marshall. The word 'faith' is used quite a few times in the first section with regards to human capabilities/will to relate as anarchist. So, it could be argued that anarchy is based on faith, would that be a fair assessment? There is nothing scientific about it? Faith is a requirement of wanting to be an anarchist similarly as wanting to be a Christian etc? Likewise, it appears anarchists are awaiting collapse as are many Christians for their own faith, respectfully?