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"Given the level of "Oh, but I'm an individual" I cannot see people coming together to 'fight' for whatever cause."

That's likely due to you being part of this over-civilized mindset where "fighting for yourself" doesn't even exist. Like you're waiting for a #MeToo type of movement in order to be vindicated for the direct abuses against you, or have to call the cops or snitch to some State-backed agency?

Individualism is all about your own dignity and autonomy; of self-possession; of being able to think for yourself and make decisions for yourself, because nobody else knows you better than you (as opposed to the widespread pretense among marxists, of them knowing you better than yourself, maybe coz you're a prole, a women, a Black, an "LGBTQ+" or whatever other hand-picked social identity).

Individualism is neither opposed to solidarity. A Union of Egoists totally means another wording for "anarchist solidarity"; a more or less temporary bond of collective support that arises when needed, as of course individuals are not almighty yet stronger when united for the defense of their mutual individual dignity and liberty (to some extent what the ACLU has been doing, no matter how they're liberal and statist).

What better undermines solidarity is that kind of gangsterism where only your Friends deserve that solidarity, because they're in the in-crowd. Which is straight up a feudal regime, like mafias and other types of "families". The individual tends to be left over by such *authoritarian* network, gang, or group except when it comes to collective copping, as their dynamics of group cohesion tends toward an erasing of the individual needs in favor of the imperatives of the herd.

You appear to be making the same semantic mistake that socialists do all the time.. confusing individuation (or atomization) for individualism, where they are in fact pretty much opposed notions.