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07:49 I know right? To avoid being a hypocrite and live a morally pure self-righteous life, and to live up to your standards of political purity, an-prims should not live in cities, only hunt and gather their food, not use any technology they haven't made themselves, not use any form of mass communication, transportation, or medical science, and poop in the woods. Of course, this all means they will be chased off land by property owners, the federal government, oil companies, logging companies, mining companies, etc, will be arrested for stealing food, for hunting without a license, fishing without a license, likely labeled as domestic terrorists, hunted down and shot, or simply thwarted from accessing any means of survival. In which case, they will die swiftly after adopting their individual lifestyle consumer choice. Nothing they do will influence the world, or change anyone in any way. Nor will it be effective in stopping climate change, pollution, or species extinction (since we both know these require systemic and collective, not individual, efforts).

But hey, at least they will have died for their cause, or more accurately, YOU'RE cause of individual life-stylism, and will be morally pure.