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For me, this separation between people who understand their world through aesthetics, identity and spectacular imagery, as in, the vast majority of people, is the main difference for my thinking. Like, that's never really been how my head works, I'm more of a pragmatist and seeking validation was never something that worked out well for me, even if I tried so I stopped caring a long time ago, for the most part.

So me and these more "aesthetic types", we'll often use the same words and signifiers but we're just not talking about the same things. We don't usually share goals or much affinity at all but there's this illusion that we do.

For me, this accounts for all the worst tendencies of radical politics; riot tourism, subcultural cliques, identity politics, just trying to get laid in "the scene", etc etc. You cancel all of that out and what's left? A very small group of people. Is this just a human thing or specific to our times or what? I don't know and speculating about it probably doesn't matter. Anyway, that's probably the biggest change for this old anarchist.

*shakes cane menacingly*