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Let's talk a bit more about that "luxury" thing, Void Network. You are in a very good position for it.

I ain't Amerikan, tho very close. I have been working hard for a while to push the squatting movement around Exarkhia in times where it was as its lowest. I helped getting rid of a crypto-fascist parasite who've had an history of hanging out with US Right-Wingers and perhaps even Golden Dawn. I supported the best I could the first true feminist squat in Exarkhia. I did some stupid things when I was in Greece that still make me depressed, yet I did more on my own than several of you blindfolded yuppie ideologues who get cozy with highly problematic Left authoritarian activists like these gangs of privileged liberal activists from France and the UK, if you know WHO I mean... And I know YOU know who I mean.

It's easier to scapegoat online critics of YOUR GROUP (not Exarkhia anarchists in general, that you are fronting for) than look at your history of supporting a plethora of undercovers, yuppie tourists, academic fucktards and others of that privileged ilk.

You ask me who I am? Well this goes both ways. Void Network is not a person, it's an imperson. An activist corporate entity, and at best a group. I identify as a person to persons who identify as such.