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might need to chill out a bit … "after your shield wall has already been broken"? lol

that person was relatively quite brave, the rest of them too and unarresting people is awesome but no, it was not a "broken shield wall", or "melee combat". protest skirmishes aren't medieval infantry battles, mostly because people aren't being hacked to pieces with edged weapons. suffice to say, I'm not "astounded" that the toe-to-toe often doesn't go well for the black bloc.

was just reading about GMAC making these observations many years ago now; the various transformations that would be required to turn a randomly assembled motley crew of strangers with barely any equipment, in to an actual fighting force with comparable capabilities to the state.

long story short, you can't. you're lucky to partially break out of a kettle once and awhile because the pigs got caught flatfooted.

all that said, was still pretty awesome and I salute all those beautiful souls in the J20 bloc