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Semantic distinction to make you groan:
Travel is the duration of your flight, Tourism is what you do once you get there.
Don't hit me.
Tourism sounds funner than daily commute, which is Travel.
Hiking as recreation can be both, either or neither! Depending on specifics.
Some forms of Tourism are considered a form of extractivism, some forms of Travel are reliant on exctractivism for parts and fuel.
Controlled fire is a form of tourism.

"What does anarchist travel look like?"

Illegal migration, border crossing, document forgin, no passports, toll fare skipping, train fare skipping, train hopping, hitchhiking, ride-sharing?

"Is it possible to be a traveler without being a tourist?"
Yes; fishes, fishers, logistics people, drivers, pilots, birds, spirits, planets, comets, galaxies, etc.

"Is it possible to be a traveler and an anarchist?"
Is it possible to be an anarchist? What's that like? It's possible to be a traveler.

You know, being a good host and a good guest is appreciated; hospitality can be appreciated and enjoyed by both parts.
The problem is the miserable service industry, inconsiderate visitors, etc. Not the same to receive a friend at your home and show them around, than to have to serve people who think they own you because they might tip you if they like you.