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There's none between disruption and revenge. It can be two moments in a same process... revenge can be gained through disruptions, or at least partly.

But revenge is not to avoid! Imo it's a necessary aspect of all anarchistic relations, as it is assuming the social role monopolized by the cops in society, being basically a revenge predatory force. Accountability processes... Call outs... they're useful only at further adjusting and improving a more totalitarian society.

Revenge, retaliation, are measures for a world of free relations. If ills or abuse is committed against someone, vengeance is what can set the records straight. It is authentically a liberating feeling when you successfully avenge yourself, but creeping trials are only sowing more resentment and helplessness. Politely arguing with your enemy, even yelling at him, won't do much but also make you weaker. You gotta break him, make him bleed, feel pain... figuratively or not.