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it's a little strange to both be a cop, correctional officer, or have any role in the legal system and be an anarchist (especially being a judge and anarchist, lol) but I think if the person used their authority in a very careful way and at least tried to be beneficial to other people, then it would be admirable, even though they would without a doubt be at a disadvantage and would subjected to bullying and/or contempt by their cohorts.

my friend's brother was a correctional officer for a short period of time. I remember we were hanging out and he told us and i talked a little bit what i don't like about cops and the prison system. About 6 months later when we were hanging out again he said that he quite because the gaurds at the jail were beating the shit out of the prisoners...that's ideal in my opinion because it's just smart to remove yourself from really shitty environments. Of course every jail/prison is different, the one in my hometown is particularly bad because it's kinda rough area and is actually one of the highest drug use, poverty and depression centers of the country.