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Some of what you're saying in the big 2nd last paragraph jives with my idea of acute awareness of linguistic conceptual vectors that directly or indirectly feed an enemy discourse. Indigenous is a word that I consider suspect at this point. You're common letter differentiation is certainly better played. Decolonization is a word that I absolutely will NOT use at this point considering how neutral colonization is as a concept when used in other discourses and disciplines. I see it as a vector towards potential structural Maoist infection as I've said before. It's a conceptual extension of colonialism(which is itself a branch of capital and state) which is made to sound more radical then it actually is and allow structural and acute maoists and other marxists to mask their would be greater statism with a phony radical term. They're not interested in a word like Leviathan or, of course, concrete anti-state and capital discourse because they are those things to be against. Sadly many anarchists fall for these conceptual linguistic vectors and suffer structural maoist and other infections into their discourse which ends up serving a non anarchist/anarch alien 3rd world building emergent state projects(remember the Quilombo affair).

Controlling for these vectors would lead to a lot of complications and divorces in the anarchist radical activist scene and I understand why some who have built up relationships over the years don't want to do what CLEARLY has to be done for the betterment of anarchism and anarchy. 'Gotta be done though.