Announcing: Little Black Cart Video!

From Little Black Cart Video

Coming to an instance near you, Little Black Cart Video!

Introductions to Anarchist concepts, dramatic readings from The Anvil Review and much more to come, Little Black Cart Video is here to fulfill all of your anarchic, videographic needs!

Hoping to escape the spectacular nature of modern video we invite anarchists to view, comment on, and share our videos to their black heart's content!

There are 4 Comments

I watched the video on nihlism and the one on egoism. It seems interesting if the point is to be a sort of non-leftist breadtube alternative (mainly meaning its bite sized intros) but it definitely seems to me that the video format is more a detracting from the content since it's mainly filled with memes which detract from the speaker.

With that said I really liked the videos, it's a good mix of being an introduction to a topic without dumbing things down and offers texts to turn to for further reading.

Delighted to see this and would really love to see more on nihilsm also.

Anyone point to recent sources of nihilst content? Apart from the video above of course.

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