Banners against prison in solidarity with anarchists on trial

“Against the prison virus, Solidarity and revolt”

via Act for freedom now!

infernourbano:Translated from Italian to English by act for freedom now!

Forlì, Italy: Banners against prison in solidarity with anarchists on trial

We receive and spread:

As a small contribution to the 9-24 November weeks of mobilization in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and the many on trial following various repressive operations in Italy, several banners were left in different spots in the city of Forlì: ring road, flyovers and very congested roads and also in front of the university.

Banners read:

– “Against the prison virus, Solidarity and revolt”

– “In solidarity with those struggling in prison”

“Freedom for the comrades in prison”

“In solidarity with comrades in prison, freedom for all”

Signed with the encircled A

A thought that also goes to all the prisoners behind bars who are risking their health and lives in the face of the spreading of covid in jails.

Anarchist individualities enemies of all prison

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