Immediatism E3

From Immediatism


“The sage does not become trapped in semantics, does not mistake map for territory, but rather “opens things up to the light of Heaven” by flowing with the words, by playing with the words. Once attuned to this flow, the sage need make no special effort to “illumine,” for language DOES IT by itself, spontaneously.”
~Hakim Bey

The text read this episode, by Peter Lamborn Wilson using the pen name Hakim Bey, is available either bound or downloaded, from Xexoxial Editions, or in T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism, 2nd edition, published under anti-copyright by Autonomedia, with Aimless Wandering appearing in T.A.Z. as an appendix courtesy of Xexoxial Editions.

Xexoxial Editions
Autonomedia at Amazon

T.A.Z. is available in its entirety, including Aimless Wandering, to be freely downloaded, printed, and distributed, from The Anarchist Library.

The Anarchist Library

If there is a Little Black Cart essay you would like me to read in a future episode, please tell me so.

Little Black Cart

There are 9 Comments

This will be part of what structures a new psychographic age of radicalism for the 21st century. It really does bother me that Wilson/Bey(along with Black and Landstreicher) have not spawned quality successors as of yet. The millennial age of radicalism has really dropped the ball. Be better.

He does do it, its not like its something that's put out there and spectacularized for recruitment purposes or fame, its done for personal individual liberation which radiates outwards in a discrete creative interrelational dynamic.

Another poster here. In the time I've occasionally dropped into this site to keep in touch with anarchist events around the world, I always am surprised at the bias directed against this Sir Einzeige chap which doesn't do justice to some of the critical views he introduces. I sometimes value his contribution to the overall discussion.

I do indeed try to form new ideas and concepts based on the post left big 3 as well as some of the better aspects of Friere Dupont to name a few.

^^^forgot to add "and I'm totally not a sock puppet LOLOL"

Which reminds me, ziggles STILL hasn't called in to the show

Thanks for feedback. Immediatism podcast is now on Stitcher, iTunes, and Google Play. Spotify says it will be up in a couple of hours. One episode is on YouTube and it is just a bit more work to post them there, so let me know if ppl care about YouTube. Soundcloud, Twitter, and Facebook are on my task list for next weekend. Any others?

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