International Fair of Agitation and Anarchist Kulture

Received by email, English translation by Anarchist News

It's a proposal to meet up among anarchists from different latitudes without regard for borders nor flags, with the goal of sharing ideas, practices and experiences, to put them into play in our everyday lives and in our particular contexts. The intent is not to create a burdensome and broad organization that agglomerates the anarchic ones all under a single voice or program; we rejoice in diversity and in the strength of affinity and solidarity, and what may emerge from that.

Always keeping in mind what we don't want to join the progressive, conservative, technophilic, citizenist, statist, capitalist maelstrom, in the thousand and one forms it can take, be it coming from the left wing or from the right wing. Since in recent years they've been known to manipulate anarchist history and proposals in order to offer everything except anarchy, and instead offer hypocritical solutions and discourses that shore up the power that we combat.

Few are the places where we can meet and gather in person, and the enslaving mediating force of social media and its social engineering, has forced us to become submerged even more deeply into the Spectacle, consumerism, confinement, fear and dislocation, in addition to the different repressive blows to the anarchist galaxy on planet Earth. In the face of all of this, we're called to once again bring about networks to keep expanding and intensifying our love for revolt and disobedience, but each time with more information, and more caution, with more memory searching for the means to make the most of and articulate our past histories in the struggle against all authority. Because of this, far from making a myth/sanctifying the past and the memory of anarchist personalities and histories, we prefer to generate discussions that are based on our current reality, without dreams of a better future, nor nostalgia for the good old days.

We'll settle for -and it's no small thing- practicing an anarchist ethic here and now, to evade misery, exploitation and imposed sadness, the rest is always yet to be seen.

We know that in this global context we're facing and will continue to confront is characterized by an uptick of fascism (ample and diverse), by a hypocritical, assimilationist and pacifying left (also broad and with fascistic tints), of an exacerbated anthropocentrism, even if they try to disguise it, of technological, industrial and digital development that enables wars, surveillance, control, dispossession, and the destruction of the Earth and its inhabitants in the name of progress. We're on the edge of a new era of domination that will have incomparable consequences.

Because of that, we make a call for all anarchist comrades that feel affinity with us, to find us at the International Fair of Agitation and Anarchist Kulture, which will take place in Monte Blanco Veracruz, in a camp without electricity, with the seriousness and happiness it deserves, to share and continue to be part of the anarchist tension against State, Capital, Patriarchy and all authority.

Even when all is lost: We never sell out, never give up, and never betray!

Solidarity and complicity with all who confront Power!

For Anarchy!

Xalapa, Ver. Territory dominated by the Mexican State.

For more information, FIAKA about the program and other details:

jornadaspunk_fiaka [at] riseup [dot] net

Event dates

December 3-5, 2022 (see details in translated comment below)

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The Anarcho-Nihilists of the Free Spirit shall valiantly and fluently contribute to the kulture of the chaotic Abyss!

Rough translation of the weekend schedule:


December 3 (Friday):

(Expo of anarchopunx zine covers from Brazil 90´s-2000´s by Marina Knup).

2:00-4:00pm Book creation workshop part 1: ex-libris engraving by Malafama.

4:00-5:00pm Lunch.

5:00-5:30pm “Marx authoritarian son of anarchism: Marx's economic revisionism in the face of Proudhon's work” by Rakim Silvestre.

7:00-8:30pm “Anarchism and Law” by Alma Melgarito.

8:30 Wave workshop based on natural fibers and Fiaka at the campfire.

December 4 (Saturday):

8:00-10:00 am self-defense workshop: Muay Thai.

10:00-11:00 a.m. breakfast.

11:00-2:00pm Book creation workshop part 2: bound by Marea Negra.

2:00-3:00pm Recess.

4:00-5:30pm “What to do in case of arrest?” By Collective Down the Walls.

6:00-7:30pm “Sex Work and Anarchism” by Randy.

8:00 Musical appreciation in the heat of the insurrectionary fire. (Bands to be confirmed)

December 5 (Sunday).

8:00-10:00am Self-defense workshop: Jiujitsu.

10:00-10:30 a.m. Breakfast.

11:00-1:00pm Book creation workshop part 3: serigraphy by Invisible.

1:00-2:30pm Workshop on making ropes with natural fibers.

3:00-4:30pm “From the agitating breath to the annihilating arrival of authoritarian Zapatista autonomy” by JHA

4:30pm Closing of the FIAKA.

All meals will be 100% vegetable with no animal products.

Alcohol and drug free event.

Timing's like, more appropriare for a reportback?

I’ve updated the article to list the event dates (December 3-5, 2022). More details in translated comment above ^^^

The original October 17th date was when the email communication was sent out (removed to avoid confusion)

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