Okty Budiati on Immediatism podcast

Okty Budiati is an individualist and nihilist anarchist in Indonesia. A performance artist and photographer, she has turned toward writing while confined to a safehouse in Jakarta. Okty has written a number of pieces for The Anarchist Libraries SE Asia. These two Immediatism episodes feature Okty's English writings, with the rest to be translated soon. Okty writes of anti-identity and self-defense in My Home Is My Broken Heart. Her Libertine Monologue Correlation Imagination is also titled "Who Slips and Who is Lonely."

Okty intends to submit her writings in English to TheAnarchistLibrary.org. If you would like to be involved with offering her feedback on English translations in preparation for publication, contact Cory@Immediatism.com.

Anti-Identity & Self-Defense: My Home is My Broken Heart

Libertine Monologue Correlation Imagination: Who Slips & Who is Lonely

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