Act for Freedom!

325 Communique on the Attack upon Counter-Information

"There must be a re-energization of the international counter-information network, to once again become a threat internationally, after the repressive reaction that seeks to isolate anarchists from each other, not just around the world but even locally."

From Act for Freedom Now, UK

On 29.03.21 the Dutch police raided the data center that holds the server, seizing the server itself as part of a criminal investigation into ‘terrorism’. is a collective that provided a platform for international movement websites from prisoner solidarity groups, multiple campaign collectives, anti-summit pages and international counter-information. Significant sites that used as a platform that have been targeted by this repressive attack by the Dutch police are Anarchist Black Cross Berlin, Montreal Counter-Info, Northshore Counter-Info, Act For Freedom Now! (now re-activated on and 325.

Attack on train station avenges graffiter

From Act for Freedom!, Athens, Greece, by Anarchists

The destruction of a train station for the death of a 20years old graffiter

Gray city and hazy trains go around the urban metropolis of Athens, but in this city there are individuals and groups who can not stand this daily repetition and choose to express themselves on its gray and rotten walls and train sheets, choosing a greater risk to send their message throughout the city. Graffiti has not always been accepted by society at large and the state consider it as an enemy that soils what they want clean for a European model of the city. This is clear from the verbal attack of a “respectable” citizen of the so-called “ruffianoi” who will threat you by calling the cops and many times use physical violence.

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