
Care In anarchy

Care In anarchy

From Organise! Magazine

How does one care without ethics and how does one come to exist without/outside of/devoid of governmentality? These are the two questions that will fuel this exploration of anarchy and care. In particular, though I term anarchy herein, I am specifically speaking to a postanarchism/anarcha-feminism/decolonial anarchism (Newman 2015; Dark Star Collective 2012; Aragorn! 2005; Shannon, Rogue, Daring, and Volcano 2013; Ramnath 2011). Moreover, as I am terming care, I am turning to care ethics and caring as elucidated in the latter half of the twentieth century by theorists such as Nel Noddings, Joan Tronto, Fisher, etc. (Noddings 2003; Tronto 2013).

Taking Notes: Old Age, Pandemic, and the Anarchist Movement

From Todo Por Hacer, English translation by Anarchist News

By Juan Cruz López

[T]he silence of the anarchist militancy [...] in the face of the murder of thousands of elderly men and women neglected in their residences, victims of the infamous sanitary protocols and the gerontocidal strategy adopted by the different administrations to resolve the situation of stressed health resources, speaks clearly of how ageism has permeated our belief system, showing the insufficiency of our social analysis and evidencing the narrowness, not only of our political autonomy, but of our ability to intervene in a situation of multifactorial crisis (something that, at the very least, should make us rethink the essentialist strategies that lead to the isolation of our movement and its members).

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