No "End" In Sight: On Cultivating Conflict with a World of Pandemics

A silhouette crowd wearing blue masks

It is currently September of 2023. Depending on who you ask we are either rounding out our fourth calendar year of a global pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a year or two removed from the ending of that global pandemic, or (for the most conspiratorially minded) over three years removed from a grand hoax that was so well orchestrated that it managed to kill 1.14 million (and counting) of our loved ones in the so-called United States alone. Much has changed over the last four years, but much more has stayed the same.

Crops Not Shops: For Health and Food Security,

Against Capitalism and Climate Change

from ainfos

The pandemic has caused many people to question how food is grown and who controls its production and distribution. Capitalist agricultural practices are a major cause of climate change and food insecurity around the world, including the UK. Good quality food, like housing, is a basic necessity and should be available to all.

A Political Prisoner’s perspective on COVD-19

From Anarchist Black Cross Federation

“They aren’t doing testing here, they aren’t doing shit really. No hand sanitizer, no mask, no ‘social distancing’, the tiers and showers aren’t being cleaned even semi-daily, we still only get 3 showers a week and only 1 hr outside a day, typically super early in the gloom or rain. Medical staff told me they can’t even order tests! They have to refer it to a doctor, who then refers it to Regional, who then reviews it and decides whether to test or not.

The Anarchists versus the Plague

From Crimethinc.

In 1884, cholera tore through Italy, claiming thousands of lives. Despite a three-year prison sentence hanging over his head, Errico Malatesta joined other revolutionary anarchists on a daring mission to Naples—the heart of the epidemic—to treat those suffering from the disease. In so doing, he and his comrades demonstrated an alternative to coercive state policies that remains relevant today in the age of COVID-19.

Philippines: Mutual Aid Action to Fight Covid-19 Pandemic

from anarchists worldwide

via Etniko Bandido Infoshop

Philippines are now on its second month of Enhanced Community Quarantine (Lockdown). Some local government unit extended it till May 30 but we expect that it will be extend it further because until now we didn’t experience mass testing in different communities.

Greece: Repression and Resistance during the Pandemic

From Crimethinc.

In coordination with the anarchist media collective RadioFragmata, we present the following report from Greece about the ongoing efforts of the Greek government, along with business owners, police, and fascists, to take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to intensify repression—and the efforts of anarchists, migrants, prisoners, rebel workers, and others to fight back and open up spaces of freedom.

Statement on the anti-lockdown so called “freedom picnics”

From Enough14

A group calling itself the UK Freedom Movement has organised a bunch of so called “freedom picnics” across the UK to protest against the lockdown and the “authoritarian laws curtailing good old British freedoms”. There has been some confusion as to who is actually organising these events with various right-wing groups falling over themselves to now distance themselves from the picnics. What is clear is that these picnics are inspired by the right-wing demonstrations that took place in the US and that a lot of the sharing has been done on right wing sites.

Solidarity is relationship (& Detroit’s RAD UnConference is now online)

from northshore counter info

Now more than ever, this is the time to question what our relationships would look like if we really lived our values.

This is a time when many people can no longer ignore the alienation they live, from their communities, from each other, and even from themselves.

Anarchists against freedom!

from anarchist network 23

A number of rather strange criticisms have come flying my way over the last few weeks.

For the moment I am going to address just one of them – the one which strikes me as the most serious.

I had always been under the fond impression that freedom was an untouchable cornerstone of the anarchist worldview. The word certainly features a lot in anarchist literature and culture!

Stay at Fucking Home

Stay at Fucking Home

From Freedom News UK

I have been at home for 12 days. I live with someone vulnerable and we have been isolating ourselves as best we can since I realised that going to work wasn’t worth the risk anymore.

Today we went for a drive, never getting out of the car, just driving around with the windows closed looking out at the world we’ve had to give up for a while. It was full of people. They were everywhere wandering around the streets, hanging out in the park and generally acting like there isn’t a pandemic happening. Even though I’ve seen pictures online of busy markets and high streets and parks full of picnics I was still shocked. And then upset. And then furious.

Word from Eric amid the COVID-19 outbreak


We have word from Eric. FCI Englewood has cancelled visits for 30 days. However, staff has yet to wear masks into the facility. With the BOP on a hiring freeze, it is going to get really interesting if prisoners start to get sick. The BOP has issued a statement saying that attorney visits are also suspended for 30 days.

Aine on Isolation, Loneliness, and COVID-19

From Live Like the World is Dying

How to to deal with isolation and loneliness and anxiety during the covid crisis. The latest episode of Live Like the World is Dying features a discussion with Aine from the Jane Addams Collective about how to manage mental health during all of this.


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